Why Give?

Did you know that all our staff face barriers to traditional employment? They rely on the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) to meet their basic needs, but our hardworking and loyal Raw Carrot staff show us every single day that they want to work and can work if given an opportunity.

While a social enterprise is intended to be self-sustainable through the sales of products (like our handcrafted gourmet foods), it still relies on community support to fulfill its purposes.

When you donate to The Raw Carrot you provide our staff employment, skills, income, dignity, confidence and community. Ultimately, you’re making a difference by helping grow livelihood security and thriving communities across the province.

More Giving Options

  • Cheque
  • E-transfer
  • Gifts of securities
  • Become a monthly donor

If you would like to give through any of the ways listed above please contact elena@therawcarrot.com