While in many ways the Raw Carrot looks like a business, our model is geared entirely to creating paid employment and opportunities for social inclusion for people in need.
Yes we sell soup…and the soup brings in income. But we are still a charity that is just trying a different way of doing things instead of sourcing ongoing funding through grants and donations. But just to clarify, we’re not at the point yet where the soup is covering all our expenses, so we still need grants and donations to continue to grow!. We’re hoping, in time, to turn more of a profit so we will be able to rely on income from sales to supply what we need.
These challenges place us squarely in the middle ground between a business and a charity – we have a charitable purpose, but are using a business model to support our cause. We want people to purchase our soup because of the cause, but also because it’s a delicious product and one that is competitive in it’s industry. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Buy Social.
Buy Social Canada “advances and promotes social procurement by bringing socially driven purchasers and social enterprise suppliers together, building business relationships that generate social benefits to communities across the country”. Read more about Buy Social here: https://www.buysocialcanada.com/about-buy-social-canada
We’re excited about the benefits of partnering with an organization that is working to make change through doing business differently. We know that a lot of people are already on board with having their dollar ALSO make a difference…and that is what The Raw Carrot is all about!